Hi There,
I am Narmada Balasubramani, a Calligraphy and an Engraving artist and the founder of The Pen and Pensive Calligraphy Studio. Based out of Coimbatore, my studio aims to turn your thoughts into tangible and memorable things that will stand the test of time.
From converting your favourite memories into beautiful handwritten letters to adding a personal touch to your special occasions through a series of customised items, we strive to bring forth a scintillating experience like never before.
With three plus years of experience in this field , I specialise in Copperplate and Brush Pen Calligraphy. I also love to teach Brush Pen and Pointed Pen Calligraphy through interactive workshops.
From being a Healthcare Management Professional to learning a new art form and starting a business on my own, this journey has been nothing short of an adventure and I am grateful to have been able to pursue my dream. What amuses me more about being an artist is that there are endless things to learn and grow every single day and art, undoubtedly, helps me connect to my soul.
I always believe in this saying, “Seek and you shall find” because eventually your heart knows where you belong!